Anne Cori

Epidemiologist, Jameel Institute at Imperial College London

Anne Cori is a mathematical and statistical modeller within the Jameel Institute at Imperial College London. Her research interests lie in developing statistical methods to understand the dynamics of epidemics and inform control policies, using a range of data. She has worked on a variety of infections including MERS, influenza, SARS-CoV-1,  HIV, Ebola and most recently SARS-CoV-2. Anne is currently involved in a range of projects trying to address the tool gaps in cleaning and using outbreak data to inform policy responses. One of these projects, mRIIDS, is a collaboration with Dr Pierre Nouvellet, ProMED, HealthMap and, aiming at developing a tool for real-time mapping of disease transmission risk from one country to another. Other ongoing projects include extensions to EpiEstim and epidemic forecasting approaches with a particular focus on spatial spread of infectious diseases; as well as use of genetic and epidemiological data to better understand and control nosocomial outbreaks.

Recent collaborative works include a major review on priority pathogens that may cause outbreaks in future and research on optimal stockpile size of the Ebola vaccine. In 2023, she was awarded a share of the Adam's Prize for her outstanding work in modelling infectious disease outbreaks. Awarded annually by the University of Cambridge to UK-based researchers carrying out international research in the mathematical sciences, Anne was the sixth woman to win the prize in its almost 175-year history.

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